Chirps and Cheeps

A Photo Journal of My Birding Experiences & Observations

My birding blog site

  Stunning Grosbeak!

Published: April 29, 2011
Tags: Life List Happenings, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, sunflower seeds, migrate

A couple of afternoons ago, totally immersed in my work, I did a double-take as I gave a quick glance up from my computer to the feeder outside my office window. What?!  I looked back. It took me a full few seconds to realize I was looking at a stunning Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  He was quite unaware of the effect he was having on me and calmly took his time chomping on sunflower seeds. Another life list addition!

I surreptitiously, slowly, slid my camera over with one hand and turned it on with the other, raising it slowly and began shooting.  I managed to get several decent shots - pretty much all the same as he did nothing but sit and eat.  He came back later this evening and I got a few shots of him up in the pine tree out back, however, the rainy evening and dismal lighting only produced poor shots not worth posting.

I heard via the news group that this is a little early for Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. I also read that the males usually precede the females as they migrate, but some of the folks in the newsgroup dispute this fact, so I don't know - but I still haven't seen a female yet!

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What a beauty

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Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak

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And another shot

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Nearly the same, but he's so pretty!

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A second male showed up shortly after. They didn't seem content to share!

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This photo was added a couple of days later after my post on the Grosbeaks' return. He was a little wet from our drippy day.

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