Early April Finds
Published: April 06, 2019
Tags: General Observations, fox sparrow, wilson's snipe, vesper sparrow, bonaparte's gull, green-winged teal, golden-crowned kinglet, eastern towhee, great horned owl
This week brought several new spring migrants to the Western New York region. I was happy to see a Fox Sparrow under our feeders one morning! He's been staying all week and has been joined by a second one here and there.
Seeing a Great Horned Owl on her nest was a special treat. Hopefully, they do well and remain undisturbed for the next few weeks.
Vesper's Sparrows are coming through as well as are some "puddle ducks" finally. Last year, I saw many more much earlier than this "late date". And now I'm finally seeing a few kinglets, creepers, and Eastern Towhees. Let the fun begin!
Poor shot of a Fox Sparrow at my feeders
Great Horned Owl on her nest
Wilson's Snipe with a big worm!
Wilson's Snipe flexing
A fun sighting of a Bonaparte's Gull in a field puddle
Green-winged Teal in a farm field puddle
Vesper's Sparrow out in a vineyard
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Towhee
Brown Creeper