Chirps and Cheeps

A Photo Journal of My Birding Experiences & Observations

My birding blog site

  Flashy Willet

Published: July 15, 2024
Tags: Rarities, willet, hurricane beryl, beach

The day after the remains of Hurricane Beryl pounded through the northeast, I checked out some of the beaches in our area.  Just as I was leaving one of the beaches, my eye caught sight of a Willet standing along the shoreline.  Not very large and the color of sand, the shorebird blended right in with the beach sand.  A few minutes later, something flushed everything on the beach and the Willet took flight showing off the flashy black and white wing pattern they're so famous for.  It was a fun sight to see!

You ain't seen a Willet
'til you've seen a Willet fly.
Its flashy black and white
is what you'll know it by.

Standing still, it's plain and drab
its beauty masked - unTIL-it
takes off and flies and wow!
It's a sexy Willet!

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Willet standing still on the beach

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A side view...

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There's that flashy black and white wing pattern!

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So glad I got to see it fly!

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