Mourning Warbler in Sheridan, NY
Published: June 19, 2013
Tags: Life List Happenings, Mourning Warbler, Hooded Warbler, American Redstart, Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Eastern Towhee
Thanks to
Gale VerHague, I laid my eyes on my first Mourning Warbler this evening. Doug Happ and I LISTENED to one during the
BOS count earlier this spring, but until tonight, I hadn't actually seen one. Unfortunately, my camera settings had gotten changed during our hike so the photos didn't turn out very well. Aarrghhhh!!! So - I'm just adding one, as poor as it is...
Other highlights from this evening were: my
FOY Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (FINALLY!), a beautiful Scarlet Tanager fly-over in the setting sun, a pair of Indigo Buntings, at least 2 Veerys (heard only), a very vocal male Eastern Towhee, a Brown Creeper (I haven't seen one of these guys in over a month), an Eastern Wood-Pewee (heard only), and at least 2 Common Yellowthroats. We're quite sure we heard a few Canada Warblers, but we never could get our eyes on one. Next time! Apparently, both the Canada and Mourning Warbler breed in this region, so I will be sure to try again!