Chirps and Cheeps

A Photo Journal of My Birding Experiences & Observations

My birding blog site

  Forest Lawn Cemetery

Published: May 21, 2011
Tags: Parks and Preserves, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Great Crested Flycatcher, Baltimore Oriole, Warbler, Buffalo, NY

Some great reports were still coming in about Warbler sightings at Forest Lawn Cemetery over the last few days. My work load has been super heavy but I just couldn't pass up the rare gorgeous day Saturday turned out to be - plus I can't get enough of warblers! So, rationalizing my guilt, I zipped in my car with my Google map directions in hand and set out to discover what I might find at Forest Lawn. I made a few wrong turns on Delaware, not realizing the entrance actually WAS just where I thought it should be! Then, it was a challenge finding the "large pond  with the statue" as I wove in and out of the maze of paved ways.

The first treat I found was a couple of Baltimore Orioles in the beautifully blossomed cherry trees. They didn't seem too concerned with me and allowed me and my camera to get quite close.

I did find a few warblers: a couple of Nashvilles, 1 Tennessee, and a Yellow Warbler, but either my timing (I went mid-morning) or my inexperience prevented me from finding any others.

I heard a very interesting bird call and later discovered the vocalist was a Great Crested Flycatcher. Actually, it was a very nice couple, Sue and Big Denny, who identified him for me from a shot I had on my camera. I also learned from the duo that I would have better luck birding earlier in the morning or more towards late afternoon. They also pointed out a path that they've found a Hooded Warbler along too. I did traverse the path, in spite of the great deal of mud, and sighted a Yellow Warbler.  I didn't find too much more of interest down in there except for a few Gray Catbirds, a Northern Cardinal, and a Baltimore Oriole.

On the whole, it was a great day to be out and I DID get to see a few warblers. What a pretty and peaceful area the cemetery is too.  I had no idea such a lovely setting existed right in the city of Buffalo.

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Great Crested Flycatcher

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Great Crested Flycatcher

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Baltimore Oriole - very, very busy amongst the beautiful cherry blossoms.

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Baltimore Oriole

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Tennessee Warbler - not a great shot, but it was the best I could get!

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I'm not sure what kind of turtle he is, but he was most certainly enjoying the sunshine!

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